Monday, June 29, 2009

Psyche Matters

Short talks and professional development seminars for Taranaki counsellors, therapists, mental health workers, people who work in pastoral care and anyone interested in psychology, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and psychosynthesis.

A winter series of lunch hour talks and conversation that introduce themes to further our understanding about what it means to be human. The contributions of some psychoanalytic and psycho-spiritual thinkers will be explained in everyday language to provide inspiration for your own thinking. After a centring exercise Lynne will present some thoughts on the theme and then invite participants to contribute their fresh thinking on ageless subjects.

This is an opportunity for low cost sampling of my style of presentation for those involved in the helping professions
and interested members of the public. Entry is by donation to SF Taranaki, Supporting Families in mental illness. Tea and Coffee are available. Bring lunch if you wish.

July 16: A map of the soul: unconscious and conscious
July 30: Psychosis: latest findings, a role for psychotherapy?
August 6: Anxiety and feeling: taking charge of your experience
August 13: Can Love last? Romantic and maturing love
August 20: Narcissism: Cinderella in 2009-06-30
August 27: Dreams and working with your dreams
Sept 3: Depression and creativity
Sept 10: Guilt and forgiveness

Dialogues take place on Thursdays 12.30 -1.30 at Lynne’s rooms, third floor, BNZ building.
Places are limited to 20. Either phone 06 7696050 or email to confirm your place.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


An elegant transpersonal psychology which attempts to address the levels of human existence; the unconscious, conscious and superconscious. Psychosynthesis therapists are interested as much in what is emerging as potential in a client's life as they are in understanding his or her past and what has shaped them. Relationship in the here and now between the therapist and the client is observed with heart and used as a vehicle for opening more self awareness, alignment with values and choice for the client.

Psychsosynthesis was first formulated by Roberto Assagioli, a contemporary of Jung's who became very interested in Will as the integrating and directing function of the psyche.

Assagioli was born in Venice in 1888. He studied psychiatry and
was interested in the intersection of spirituality and psychology. One of the few psychiatrists to participate in the first pioneering wave of enthusiasm for Freud's new science of psychoanalysis and the second wave of humanistic psychology in the 1960s and 70s. he published two books one of which is till used in many Psychosynthesis training today and is called The Act of Will. In it Assagioli charts aspects, dimensions and levels of will.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Matter of Heart

Working with Trauma:
  • assessing clients needs and strengths
  • pacing trauma exploration and safely balancing this with building self capacity
  • working with body feelings and mind in the context of trauma

The seminar aims to:
  • familiarise participants with some recent discoveries in trauma therapy
  • assist the development of a practice of self-care
  • increase awareness of counter-transference and develop deeper understanding of the emotional communication of the client

Learning will be supported by handouts and will visit the theories of John Brierre, Judith Herman, Babette Rothchild and contemporary psycho-analytic writers in the trauma field.

This day will include case material, time to reflect on your own practice and to integrate the days learning in a practical way.

When: Friday, September 4, 9am - 4pm
Cost: $100

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Psychology with Soul

An introduction to seeing the client's presentation with a psycho-spiritual lens: a mindfulness practice for yourself and your clients, maps and models that can be integrated into your current theoretical knowledge and practice, and experiential exploration from the Psychosynthesis framework as formulated by Italian psychiatrist, Roberto Assagiolo early last century and developed further by his followers.

Psychosynthesis emphasizes working in the present and honouring the uniqueness and common humanity in ourselves and in those that seek help from us. We can acknowledge the past that has helped shaped our experience of ourselves and also our future, the emergence of what we might be if we align with our values and co-operate with the evolution of our potential.

Read more about psychosynthesis at

When: Friday, October 16, 9am - 4pm
Cost : $90

"A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

Albert Einstein

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Psyche's Mirror

Working with dreams, images and imaginal process.

This seminar aims to give practitioners practical tools for working with their own and clients' dreams and spontaneous images; understanding of the contra-indications of working with images; Assagioli's psychological laws and their application to integrating images in service of being and becoming.

There will be an opportunity to work with your own dreams or images through self-reflection, in dyads, or within the group.

When: Friday, November 6, 9am - 4pm
Cost: $90

Monday, June 1, 2009

Learning and Supervision Group

You can also register for a small monthly learning and supervision group that will begin in 2010 to further develop your heights and depths of focus as a practitioner.
This group will meet once a month for two hours and will include a monthly reading, a teaching session and supervision time.

Learning takes place over the whole life of the councillor field worker psychologist or psychotherapist. Developing our practice of sitting with ourselves and with others requires us to develop "an internal supervisor" , to stay open to finding more of what we don't know of ourselves, of the client and the process between us.

Learning together in a small group (4‐6 practitioners) allows for deeper reflection,

multiple viewpoints and further integration of theory and practice. This group could offer an opportunity to be supported as you work towards your goals related to your professional development: NZAC or NZAP membership, ACC registration or perhaps an informal and self directed learning goal coming out of your observation of your learning needs, such as more confidence to work with trauma, with groups or understanding of transference and counter‐transference.