Sunday, June 28, 2009


An elegant transpersonal psychology which attempts to address the levels of human existence; the unconscious, conscious and superconscious. Psychosynthesis therapists are interested as much in what is emerging as potential in a client's life as they are in understanding his or her past and what has shaped them. Relationship in the here and now between the therapist and the client is observed with heart and used as a vehicle for opening more self awareness, alignment with values and choice for the client.

Psychsosynthesis was first formulated by Roberto Assagioli, a contemporary of Jung's who became very interested in Will as the integrating and directing function of the psyche.

Assagioli was born in Venice in 1888. He studied psychiatry and
was interested in the intersection of spirituality and psychology. One of the few psychiatrists to participate in the first pioneering wave of enthusiasm for Freud's new science of psychoanalysis and the second wave of humanistic psychology in the 1960s and 70s. he published two books one of which is till used in many Psychosynthesis training today and is called The Act of Will. In it Assagioli charts aspects, dimensions and levels of will.

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